
Wednesday, November 17, 2010


It is the hour when almost all creative fizzle is fizzled.  I am sitting in my office.  No, not the office of choice, but rather the office of my everyday life.  Where I am to the world at large, a licensed associate real estate broker.  Do not tell people you meet that I am a real estate broker.  It would confuse them.  I am REALLY an illustrator and writer of children's books.  But during the day I dress up as a broker and show people houses for sale and rent and work until the middle of the next day preparing for the next day.  Nobody knows how long and hard a real estate broker works.  So, why tell you now?  I live and breathe with the real estate market's changes.  Tonight I am mid-way between both and am nearly ready to change costumes. 
My artist and writer's outfit is remarkably more comfortable.  This is what I look like at the end of the day.  Frazzled! Perplexed!  It's time to go home.  Even the streets are empty.  It's nearly midnight and my dog is asleep at my feet under my desk.  A car drove by.  Probably lost.  Or, maybe its a real estate broker previewing properties for tomorrow.  We do that you know...look at houses in the dark because there isn't enough time in the day to see them all.
 I have to spend some time with the characters in my book.   We have an appointment every day.  I'm late now.  Stuffed up in my lap top is no place for active personalities.  I'll be back soon...after I put in some time creating what matters...laughter and joy.  Two things that come out of my brain when I'm free to write and let go with my imagination.  Great colors are ready to burst!!!!   The character above is actually a Professor...she's part of my book in progress.  Good night everyone!  Goodnight everyone...sweet dreams!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Rule # 1: Do not be afraid to jump.  Jump as far out from the norm as you can imagine.  Leap into your imagination.  Let go.  Don't try to control anything you are writing or drawing.  See where you go...your idea/story will take you there.  You don't control what is shouldn't try to.  Amaze yourself.  Surprise yourself.  Creativity begins when you let your imagination flow.
Words of the wonderfully talented and gifted cartoonist,illustrator, writer, children's book writer/illustrator, and film screenwriter...THE one and only; Jules Feiffer.
Last night my friend and I sat front and center row at The Society of Illustrators in New York City to hear Mr. Feiffer discuss his  extraordinary career.  He shared with his audience, his personal insights as a writer and illustrator and what he has learned over the decades about himself and his profession.  Regaling his rise to success with a modicum of humility, and self deprecation, Mr. Feiffer spoke to the problems most of us with less ability and success behind them, experience.  He articulated the fears and insecurities we all face; are we good enough, will this drawing/illustration/script/story work out? Will anyone find my work interesting enough to want to publish it?  Does it make a difference? 
What I and my friend, a life long creative art director for many magazines, heard and felt, was his energy, his complete understanding of what we all he expressed so well, as though he could read our minds.  Jules Feiffer is an American treasure.  If you don't know his work I suggest finding books and archives of the Village Voice and in film and theatre.  Politically astute and sharp as a razor, he's crisp, satirical, and brilliant in his execution.  I'm eager to write, draw, and discover in my work, all that  I do not yet know is coming to my story and my illustrations...thank you Mr. Feiffer! 
The Society of Illustrators has a wonderful show of original children's book illustrations/paintings at this time...take a's terrific!  Now, back to my story and drawing board!
I'm jumping!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Writing a Children's Book: Late Nights

Once again it's late at night.  I'm in between yawns. It's isn't easy writing thoughts that will translate into meaningful feelings to others who read mere words.  And it is difficult to focus on the subject matter...chasing the imagery,
 the direction seems scattered at times...but always, it is an adventure as to how far my imagination can go...and it does...and I am always surprised and giggles!
I move along with the story as though I were living in it...transported by my seemingly effortless racing mind, and I begin to believe in my own ridiculousness and think, "Why not?"  Then it becomes reality that "could be" and perhaps "should be".  I start to laugh inside myself and the more I laugh the more preposterous a tale blooms from my fingers.  It is medicine of joy for me...a middle aged woman who conjures up the stories of a child.  Pouring forth like a river of  bubbling lava, I have a warmth in my soul that reveals itself through my pens, colors, and incredibly silly what if they are strange or weird or unbelieveable...what if what we think of IS? Chuckles. Time to go back to the drawing board...and write more silliness!
It's well past midnight...time to go to sleep...and dream up some things to write tomorrow! Goodnight Walker! Goodnight Adriel! xoxo

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I think I write to entertain not only the prospective readers I hope will one day immerse themselves in my toil and task, but I write so that I myself can be immersed in joy and laughter.  Take for instance the picture to the is night time in a city, perhaps your city, but I thought it was mine when I drew it.  The church to the left is one of the country's oldest churches downtown in what used to be known as New Amsterdam...from that one building, I built a city...complete with cats on one rooftop sleeping happily, to the partying mice to the right on the other rooftop. Improbable, but possible...after all, how many of us know what mice really do when we go to sleep? As I drew this I started to smile, then laugh inside myself, and when it was well underway, I thought how wonderful it was that I was able to create a place that was a stage for a happy time in life...and how wonderful it was that I created this happiness! There is no question I derive great joy from drawing and writing ridiculous stories...especially if my son, for whom this story was created and told to, finds it humorous and silly too!
Tonight I'm playing with my story...letting it take me where IT wants to go...and I'm meeting up with some interesting for the characters...some are absurd and some are they should be when I know that what I am writing permits, encourages, and rejoices in, the improbable, yet sends a message that defends and promotes, ethical behavior, integrity, principles of kindness, compassion, empathy, and what it means to have and respect a value most cherished; honor.  So here we are, in a city, cats, dogs, human beings all together, with lives of their own and a young boy named Walker who is on his journey...where he's going I will go too! Back to finding out where he's going!

Monday, October 18, 2010


Here we are at the beginning of my new blog.  I'm Susan, and the fellow to the left is the main character in the children's book story I am currently writing.  His name is Walker. I can't tell you much more right now...but I am here to let you know I'm a returning cartoonist and illustrator and writer....I've done all the other stuff over the last few decades, and done them well...but somehow the gnawing characters in my brain kept talking to me...begging me to come back, laugh with them, fill them in with color, give them adventures to go through...bring them to the end of their stories.  I'd try to ignore them.  I'd packed them away and shut the door on the lid.  I kept them from floods, mold, and dust.  But every Christmas when I'd go fetch the decorations, I would glance over at my drawing board and the box where all my art supplies and stories were, and I could hear the voices of my imaginary rascals...urging me to open the lid, let them become "real" again.
After the fabulous careers and the hoopla, I realized they were right...I needed to give them a voice and life in living color again...and so I have walked across the street to the other side of life...the one that makes me laugh and smile and feel alive...that makes me gleeful as a child.  It's writing and drawing for children that most makes me happy...and that my friends, is what life should be about...doing what we love most! I'm setting my sights on traveling far this time...and I have a destination in's the journey that is the best part...come along with me and share in laughter!  Let me know if you like what I'm're my audience...thanks for being here!